Mega placement drive concludes
Two day mega placement drive organised under NSDC-Udaan concluded at GGM Science College, Jammu.Around 14 corporate houses covering a wide range of sectors like security services, IT, ITES, health care services, logistics etc. participated in the drive.The corporate houses included Appolo Med Skills, Darcl Logistics Limited, Miticon, KPMG, Multicare Services ( India )Private Limited, Rooman Technologies, S.E-Biz, Quess Corp Limited, VLCC Health care Limited, IL & VS, Sahaj-e-village, VISPL, NISAPL and Oerlikon Graziano.The representatives of the corporate houses interacted with the students from the various streams of the college and also conducted pre-counselling placement session for them. 19 students the 6th Semester from the BCA department also participated in this programme. Out of the total 143 registered 94 were selected by the corporate. The drive was organised by the ‘Centre for Information, Career Counselling and Placement’ ( CICCP ) of the college under the supervision of Prof. Subash K. Samyal.